I hope you enjoy everything you read and it sparks your curiosity!
tisdag 30 april 2024

Botany Prompts


  •  Agave

 Write a revelation that happens in the time it takes the character to sew a tiny garment.

  •  Blue Hibiscus

 Write about a quarreling household that is preparing for an unprecedented season of frost. How do they find a moment of peace and grace?

  •  Manzanita

 Write a character that discovers a strange shape when they cut open a piece of fruit.

  •  Wormwood

 Write a trail of childhood objects on a rocky footpath for a beloved to find.

  •  Mugwort

 Write about a talisman that has protected your character’s family from a particular creature. What happens when the talisman doesn’t work for your character?

  •  Summer Snapdragon

 Write a character that notices a drastic and mysterious change in the landscape outside their window. What do they learn from the mystery?

Stolen: From Lunar Magazine

Botany What are the different types of plants and their behaviors, and how can I study and understand them?