I hope you enjoy everything you read and it sparks your curiosity!
lördag 8 juni 2024

Prompts - story starters

1. She's a 14 pound dog... 2. Take care folks and maybe I'll see some of you at the Caer Mear event this weekend. 3. I'm here and I'm STILL alive! 4. Once I got there, the realization of life in an apartment sucked and I couldn't wait to rent a house. 5. We were so SADLY mistaken. 6. Anyhow, the idea is intriguing, isn't it? 7. I got a ride in a boat through a mangrove swamp full of egrets, though. 8. entry about more repetitive revolutionized entries emotions little other sometimes obviously love experimental disintegrate disappointed pictured material although tilly jerry first traditional songwriters performance nonetheless essentially appreciated your wall really but unreadable throughout thing there structures ridiculous personally performing omaha music introduced great friendship diary definitely adrenaline through someone bellows band treasured temptress something resembles reminding radiohead perfectly paragraph otherwise loveliest important favoutite favourite developed criticism correctly confusing concerned certainly beautiful than read only still songs maybe jenny every doing blake bands though things saddle rather lovely enough dinova wherever what underage thinking terribly stripped standing sneaking reaction pressing performs 9. Apart from this, you are not totally unreadable which is a good thing. 10. I love the first paragraph of Bring It On as again, you convey more about you. 11. Not only that, but it could be that they, along with Conor and a fellow record industry crony, may have revolutionized the way we buy music. 12. Entries Read: Obviously I didnt read every entry as you have 240 entries; I read from January 2004 onwards. 13. Also, it would be great to hear more about you in your diary as the only thing that I have really found out about you is that you love Jerry. 14. Not only that, but I truly felt special hearing the new material. 15. Look, I wouldn't have devoted this much space if I didn't feel they were the best thing going. 16. Jake Bellows, of the Omaha space rock band Neva Dinova, went on first. 17. Set-list at the bottom. 18. Marriage is love. 19. Hey, I'm sixteen, I'm six feet tall, have facial hair and am lean enough to pass for an eighteen year old so what was to stop me? 20. There was no doubt he was terribly drunk. 21. Well, the bouncers, obviously, so, I brought my dad. 22. Rilo Kiley has been one of the bands I've been longing to see for such a long time, that each of the THREE times they've come since I first listened to Take Offs and Landings has been another slice at the wrist. 23. And, I'm the kid in the very front right under Blake with the brown hair. 24. During their show, I was all smiles. 25. This entry really sums up what I was thinking most of the way through your diary; that because you are so happy in being with Jerry, you keep saying the same things over and over again in almost every entry. 26. Facts are: by now, I'm obsessed. 27. I personally wouldnt click on it but Im sure that someone would. 28. Maybe it was the adrenaline of sneaking into a venue underage, maybe it was my sheer love for all three of the artists performing, or maybe it was the out of print Tilly & the Wall EP I finally picked up, but either way, I was floating. 29. Although I think it is all very sweet, it does get repetitive and a little on the boring side. 30. When I saw Neva Dinova with Cursive ages ago, I was nearly blown away. 31. It was easy for me to see that they have definitely matured as a band and as songwriters. 32. Its just a shame that you have to keep pressing the stop button every time you open a page. 33. And, as far as I'm concerned, I'd like to keep it that way. 34. It's not to say she isn't beautiful, but somehow, I pictured someone much more aloof. 35. Sometimes you only have about 4 entries for a month which is pretty poor to be honest. 36. It would be great to see more of you coming across in your writing. 37. They sing about late-nights, love, friendship, things that come off so well without seeming trite or confusing. 38. Nonetheless, Rilo Kiley is amazing. 39. You are certainly stalk-able. 40. Jenny came out, looking much more human than I expected in big boots and a jumper, reminding me more of a trucker than the indie rock temptress I had pictured her as. 41. The only thing Id say is loose the s for commas or full stops. 42. I found that you have other emotions to show us other than your love for Jerry - which there is nothing wrong with at all its just like I said before, it gets a little repetitive, thats all. 43. That is not to say, though, that Mr. 44. The more I read the more I seemed to connect with you, however, itd be great to hear more about other feelings and emotions that you have aside from Jerry. 45. There are few bands who are able to make pop music something new and exciting these days, and honestly, I don't see ANY other band alive doing what the Tillies have done. 46. Bellows does not write some of the loveliest melodies. 47. It would be great to see more entries like that one and also like this entry. 48. It was nice to hear the band doing such a variety of material. 49. But there was no way I was going to miss the finest LA via Omaha pop outfit to call Saddle Creek home. 50. Tilly & the Wall is just an adorable band; even their name comes from the children's book Tillie and the Wall by Leo Leonni, about a little mouse who wants to get to the other side of a wall. 51. That is one big turn off and I am so glad that I can turn it off!! 52. Indie-Snob fans, you saw my love for Radiohead disintegrate a little with my Top of 2003 list, but watch it fall to the ground: Tilly & the Wall is my new favorite band. 53. He had hard enough a time standing up for his full twenty minutes or so, but his between-song banter was, to say the least, ridiculous. 54. My Favourite Entry: My favoutite entry had to be this entry. 55. I have no problem reading through your diary as you write correctly and your grammar is fine. 56. While I have, in the past, tended to look over the songs Blake sang a bit more, I really appreciated his voice this night some how. 57. Each sound was perfectly developed, and although the effects are stripped down when Jake performs solo, his voice is still crisp and the songs still soft and elegant. 58. What was even nicer was that Jenny and Blake would switch off doing vocals throughout the set, both of which had lovely voices. 59. Everyone in the crowd was singing along, and even though I thought the performance was a little weak, it was one of those treasured moments in a show. 60. eurovision starlings about feeding bestablished realised practically painkillers interesting grandmother cannibalism bizarreness little witnessing newspapers membership homophobia experience disturbing diary conspiracy cheesiness apparently admittedly tribute finally entries more selection reminders ramblings obnoxious magazines forgetful following fistfight favourite disturbed diaryland craziness collected apologise actresses today thing spider sadler people except around anyway visiting supposed starling snapping released position playlist pictures meat enjoying drinking deformed consider concerns blasting articles american actually one but until there stack other never laura enjoy check again worries workmen winding welcome wanting through thought started spiders special sorting running revenge resting present packets natural musical manners lesbian 61. I suppose I shouldn't have, since all the people I've talked to who have met Jenny at the grocery store in Omaha or wherever say that she's a lovely person, but I think sometimes I just make the bands I love out to be so much larger than life. 62. His song structures and tone resembles more of a Jeff Tweedy approach rather than one more traditional to Saddle Creek, perhaps making him a bit more folk and experimental-prone that we'd otherwise see. 63. the principal was stephanie situation things there cheesecake really going questions some richard macleod defense walked representing doctor were watching saturday position briefing back actually about translation shakespeare prosecution electronics attractions adversaries when talked sunday myself whispering whatsoever vocabulary viola unprepared themselves identified group conundrums adrenaline out village started snooker morning faculty against went then yesterday waterfall staircase something snookered mentioned llandudno lifecycle librarian hopefully excellent edinburgh different depressed decisions available trip told room over kind into still great class asked after wanted saying people little having happen dustin couple called better before whenever tomorrow throwing supposed sunshine studying students straight steepest standing 64. I saw Andrea across the room actually looking like someone who had been to a disco, so I walked over and took her picture. 65. I promised myself yesterday that this morning I was going to sit next to Viola in Shakespeare class no matter what. 66. The sun was only out for about a half hour or so today, so I got back into it. 67. She asked who was representing us, and the entire half of the room turned their heads towards me like they were watching a tennis match. 68. After that, we moved onto other things, but I was still upset about the situation. 69. I ate pizza and cheesecake at lunch, along with a tuna sandwich for the protein. 70. When I use it, you'll know that I'm in a situation I never imagined would happen in a million years, I'm in a state of shock, and have no idea how to deal with it. 71. We only had a short period of time, so I started throwing out questions to try to generate some ideas. 72. In snooker, you always have to be able to hit a specific colored ball even if you can't put it in the pocket. 73. If she's ever missed before, it was on a day that I was skipping, but this isn't like her. 74. I walked out with a little adrenaline still pumping, but I was mostly upset that Stephanie and I had been put in the position of public adversaries. 75. I decided to buy a battery operated one so that I can use it when I go back home. 76. I can see myself getting up very early on Saturday and Sunday mornings and going for long, romantic walks by myself along the seashore as the sun slowly rises. 77. Doctor Snow walked over and asked if the exercise had been of any use at all. 78. the rain zealand something feeling wagamama reminded knitting just interesting deliciously concentrate apocalyptic smithsburg restaurant moderately hailstones going everywhere encounters coromandel beforehand working reading parnets indoors brother rain transport tattooist perfectly motivated mangroves localised listening interview hopefully finishing excerting excellent desparate christmas bucketing broadband algonquin afternoon house really little island golden around yourself thursday suicides studying strictly somebody repotted recently probably pressure possibly pailings morining magnolia japanese horizons forecast followed familiar exciting everyone director daughter cristine breaking anything new out wanna until today those think there still other north movie loved hubby hours again about written writing worried wettest weather watched variety 79. I think the whole crew is comeing over my house again today since my parnets are going to Smithsburg with my brother for his gay ass soccer game. 80. So until Christmas, my life is going to consist of long train rides and long walks up interesting streets and passing encounters with lots of strange people possibly, also much knitting and reading and I will probably find that I don't end up eating enough. 81. I just soaked in the fence pailings and the mangroves and the push mower and lemon trees and horizons for two hours. 82. Alone this afternoon, I also watched Rain, a New Zealand movie by Cristine Jeffs, the director who made Sylvia recently. 83. The mother reminded me of Kim Hill and the daughter reminded me of Rose Byrne crossed with my friend Mandy and it was just all deliciously watery and sad. 84. The garden is just written off for this year, which must be one of the wettest on record! 85. I went for the interview on Thursday, and must have been a little tense beforehand, because I snapped one of my brand new, very nice bamboo knitting needles. 86. travis inappropriate deserves wroooooong everything fucking seriously nightmare catherine anyway tomorrow together sleeping today table patty gonna going brown again weekend startin slapped remarks obscene kaylene journal engrave between because shit nick even woulda wanted sounds really please pissed nobody moving moment living little killed hangin enough coulda center boring answer almost across work what over most kept just back wrong while think there theni still sleep right nanna names lunch house heart great early doesn cathy backk after about if out get did year went wasn wake told time then talk stop rang okay need name more know kind 87. michelle relationship wonderful everything responsibility another love something great about unattainable returned fabulous anything movie after opportunity markerboard immediately comfortable talked vanderbilt there supervised strawberry separation separately friendship excitement determined definitley definitely characters reading heather feeling awesome undaunted therefore shoulders shortcake outselves otherwise michelles knowledge interests indicated frequents following emotional different coworkers boyfriend beginning attention arlington all well know here thats story night wonder unless strong should seeing played gotten family course but august around when vacation tomorrow together then them swimming sure standing squealed spinners showered reserved planning pictured patterns passions observer murdered meetings magglios like lifetime just inspires 88. We sat on the floor in the hall and talked, then showered and went to the bank. 89. And I felt so comfortable there that night with Michelle whom I only knew in a certain context before this stop on the trip I knew her only at The Observer, and other meetings but not like this one on one, and at her home, no less. 90. I did buy a wonderful aerial photo of a 1995 ND game that shows campus well. 91. And at one point during the working hours, after shed gotten up to tend to one responsibility or another, Michelle returned to tell another story, standing behind me with her hands on my shoulders, then clasping them around my neck in front of me. 92. But feel free to quote me or make fun of me or borrow what I write and send it out as an e-mail forward to all your friends, family and coworkers. 93. The music, the characters, the battle scenes, the love story, his undying devotion for his murdered love... and men in kilts, how could anyone hate the movie. 94. Michelle and Patrick arent so tight as I see it, and have heard that I almost feel I could say something... 95. When I got up, I caught up with the e-mail and finished as Michelle returned form work. 96. Lunch at Magglios a wonderful, nice Italian place that played a lot of Sinatra and would not have let us in in shorts and t-shirts if it were not 3 p. m. 97. Just the two of us in the immense pool expanse of cool August night with a slide and hot tub all to outselves.

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